Victim of R. Kelly given access to receive income from his music sales.

Victims of R. Kelly must be given a chance at justice, beginning now.

March 28th 2023.

Victim of R. Kelly given access to receive income from his music sales.
Justice is still being served in the ongoing disputes between the infamous artist R. Kelly and the many women he has wronged during his career.

The most recent news reports that Heather Williams, one of his survivors of sexual assault, has been granted access to the Sony Music royalties expected to be worth $1.5 million. According to Billboard, Williams is the first victim to make a legitimate demand for compensation from Sony.

In addition, the Supreme Court in Illinois favored her case and chose her claims over those of a Chicago landlord who was also owed money by the 56-year-old artist. Midwest Commercial Funding has been granted $3.5 million from Kelly for not receiving payment for renting out a studio.

In 2019, Williams filed a civil lawsuit against R. Kelly, stating that when she was 16, he lured her under the impression of being in a music video and then proceeded to have sexual intercourse with her. His attorney, Jennifer Bonjean, is prepared to fight back due to the fact that Kelly didn't even have the chance to defend himself in the civil cases due to his imprisonment and lack of legal representation at times.

Bonjean expressed her disbelief about the situation, saying that she had never seen someone be so deprived of their right to defend themselves.

R. Kelly is currently serving a 30-year sentence for sex trafficking and racketeering in New York City, as well as being ordered to pay $480,000 in fines and restitution. In February, he was additionally charged with child pornography in Illinois and fined an additional $42,000.

The court has ruled that Heather Williams should receive his royalties until her full judgment has been settled.

Therefore, justice continues to be served in the ongoing battle between R. Kelly and his victims.

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