Vaccine rollout gratitude

I opened the NYT vaccine rollout tracker and learnt of a new milestone. This week, we saw the 7 day average of doses administered cross 3 million per day in the US. That’s amazing.

If the United States’ response to COVID-19 in 2020 was abysmal, the last few months have been world class.

At current pace, every adult in the US could be vaccinated by June 28.

The vaccines – particularly the mRNA formulations – have shown stellar results even with new variants. I think it is only a matter of time before they’re eligible for children too. We’re getting close.

I am grateful for all this and am looking forward to us getting to the other side.

PS: As these numbers were such a surprise, I realize I haven’t been keeping up with the news as much (not a bad thing). But, I did see a number of headlines about challenges with the rollout in the EU, Brazil, and a few other countries. I’m hoping that changes soon.
