US worried about Putin's trip to North Korea

The US government expressed concern over Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to North Korea, citing the increasing cooperation between the two countries as a potential threat to peace and stability.

June 19th 2024.

US worried about Putin's trip to North Korea
The recent visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to North Korea has sparked concern within the US government. In a statement on Tuesday, the US Department of Defense spokesman Pat Ryder expressed worries about the growing partnership between Russia and North Korea.

Ryder emphasized that this cooperation should be a cause for concern, especially for those who are committed to maintaining peace and stability on the Korean peninsula. He also highlighted the impact of this alliance on the people of Ukraine, who are currently facing the brunt of Russian aggression.

Adding to the US government's concerns, White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre pointed out the role of North Korea in providing weapons to Russia, which has enabled them to carry out their brutal war in Ukraine. Jean-Pierre firmly stated that no country should offer a platform for Putin to promote his aggressive actions, which are a clear violation of the UN Charter and a threat to the international order.

Despite the accusations made by Ukraine's Western allies, both Moscow and Pyongyang have denied any involvement in weapons supply. However, the international community remains suspicious of North Korea's nuclear weapons program and its alleged support for Russia.

As Putin arrived in Pyongyang on Tuesday evening, he was warmly welcomed by North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The two leaders are expected to discuss various matters during the two-day visit, including the issue of arms delivery from North Korea to Russia. It is believed that Moscow intends to use these weapons in their ongoing conflict with Ukraine.

In light of these events, the US government continues to closely monitor the situation and urges all parties to refrain from actions that may further escalate tensions in the region. The international community also calls for a peaceful resolution to the conflicts in both Ukraine and the Korean peninsula.

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