Upcoming Emmerdale episode reveals a plot to kill Belle's loved one, destroying her recent progress.

He'll stop at nothing to dominate Belle.

May 28th 2024.

Upcoming Emmerdale episode reveals a plot to kill Belle's loved one, destroying her recent progress.
The recent events on Emmerdale have left viewers disgusted with Tom King's despicable actions. In his quest to manipulate and control his wife Belle Dingle, he has gone to extreme lengths. The latest being his twisted plan to drug their dog Piper, making it appear as if she is on the brink of death. This plot twist has been met with outrage and deemed as unnecessary and sick by those watching the show.

Belle, who has been struggling with her mental health, is currently in a mental health unit. Her condition has worsened due to Tom's constant emotional manipulation and violence towards her. He has even gone as far as isolating her from her loved ones and anyone who genuinely cares about her.

The situation escalated when Tom physically assaulted Belle, causing her to plead for him to seek help. He then went on to meet with GP Liam Cavanagh and falsely painted Belle as the one with erratic and violent behavior. Later, he deliberately provoked her in public, causing her to push him in self-defense.

As if that wasn't enough, Tom also tampered with Belle's medication for her mental health. Feeling overwhelmed, she requested to be admitted to the mental health unit. In Tuesday's episode, we saw Belle having a session with her therapist, Ava. They discussed her reaction to a recent pregnancy scare and how Tom's response made her feel like she was constantly letting him down.

Ava reassured Belle that making decisions about her own body did not mean she was failing anyone. It seemed like Belle was finally starting to understand the dynamics of her toxic marriage with Tom. She opened up about her past mistakes and how she was "blind" to the true nature of her past partners.

However, just as Belle was on the verge of a breakthrough, her aunt Lydia Dingle arrived with devastating news. Piper was gravely ill, and they were unsure if she would survive. This was all part of Tom's plan. He had injected Piper with a drug, claiming that Belle had abandoned them. He even made a fake call to Lydia, pretending to be in tears.

It's clear that Tom's control over Belle knows no bounds. He was upset that she had asked for Lydia to visit her instead of him, so he used Lydia as a way to get a message to Belle. He knew that this news about Piper would bring Belle running back to Emmerdale.

So, just as Belle was starting to realize the truth about Tom, she will most likely return to the village to check on her beloved dog. And once again, Tom will have her back under his control. The question now is, how far will Tom go to maintain his power over Belle? And will anyone be able to expose his true nature before it's too late? Stay tuned to find out.

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