UK viewers of Married at First Sight cringe at an uncomfortable moment between just-married couples.

No spark right away.

September 19th 2023.

UK viewers of Married at First Sight cringe at an uncomfortable moment between just-married couples.
Married at First Sight always manages to surprise us with its awkwardness, and this time was no exception. The wedding between Rozz Darlington and Thomas Kriaras left viewers cringing as the couple had an incredibly awkward start.

The whole experience was made even more uncomfortable when Rozz arrived at the venue in a tractor, which sparked raised eyebrows from Thomas' friends and family. One wedding guest even called it 'like Meet the Fockers'.

It was clear that Rozz was a little unwilling to let go and trust her new husband, as the photographer urged her to lean back in his arms. Thomas' friends were less than impressed by Rozz's tractor, and it seemed that their opinion of her was making the whole interaction uncomfortable.

The resounding feeling among viewers was that 'Rozz and Thomas are so awkward'. One viewer said Rozz needs to relax herself a bit, while another viewer added that 'the writing is already on the wall with Rozz and Thomas. No chemistry. What a shame'.

Lots of viewers felt it was Rozz's behaviour that was making the whole interaction uncomfortable, 'bordering on rude'. However, others felt Thomas was the issue, having judged his wife to be as she walked down the aisle.

The couple seemed to be making some progress bonding over past relationships towards the end of their wedding, so there is hope for them yet. However, the teaser for their honeymoon showed them at odds over whether or not they should 'cuddle', so things could take a turn quickly.

It will be interesting to see where Rozz and Thomas' relationship goes. MAFS UK airs at 9pm on E4, Monday through Thursdays. Tune in to see if the couple can make it work!

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