UK names 'Fred' the happiest pet, a therapy dog who loves to smile, as the official symbol of joy and happiness.

Fred's main job is to ensure that people are happy all day.

October 19th 2024.

UK names 'Fred' the happiest pet, a therapy dog who loves to smile, as the official symbol of joy and happiness.
For some time now, Fred the therapy dog has been bringing smiles to the faces of people all over London. Recently, he was named the happiest pet in the UK and the second happiest in the entire world. It's quite an impressive title for such a little pup.

Fred spends his days at Imperial College Healthcare, where he has become quite the beloved figure among the staff and patients. He joined the team at St Marys Hospital in Paddington back in December, and ever since, he has been a constant source of joy and positivity. Out of the 4,000 pets that entered the competition, Fred stood out for his unwavering dedication to spreading happiness.

Angela Laws, a panel judge for the competition, expressed her excitement for recognizing Fred on a global scale. She also praised UK pets for their exceptional ability to bring joy to those around them. To her, Fred's story serves as a beautiful reminder of the incredible impact animals have on our lives, especially during times of need.

Photos of Fred on Instagram show him with the biggest smile on his face, which only adds to his already adorable appearance. It's no wonder he has received such a heartwarming reaction on social media. Fans of Fred, such as nataliem31 and Stan_moore_, have expressed their desire to meet him in person, with one even hoping for a pat during their upcoming neurosurgery appointment.

While Fred may have been named the second happiest pet in the world, this is still a significant achievement. And what makes it even more special is that this was the first time the competition was held. Fred's competition, Supai the dog, hails from Doylestown, Pennsylvania. She was discovered in 2014, malnourished and dehydrated, in a canyon. But since then, she has been living her best life with her owner, Torey Mill, who describes their bond as one that has taught her how to truly live.

As the top two happiest pets in the world, Fred and Supai have both been rewarded for their efforts in spreading happiness. They each received a dream holiday with £5,000 in travel vouchers, as well as a free TrustedHousesitters membership and a year's supply of pet food. And with their infectious smiles and hearts of gold, there's no doubt they will continue to bring joy to those around them.

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