UK may bring back Section 28, a law banning the 'promotion' of homosexuality, due to review of ‘inappropriate’ sex ed.

LGBTQ+ people raised with a sense of shame and rejection due to societal prejudice.

March 31st 2023.

UK may bring back Section 28, a law banning the 'promotion' of homosexuality, due to review of ‘inappropriate’ sex ed.
LGBTQ+ campaigners have expressed caution over the Government's review of sex and relationships education, with fears of a repeat of the 'mistakes of Section 28'. Today, on International Transgender Day of Visibility, the Department for Education announced an independent panel to review the curriculum, which could include age ratings to prevent pupils from being taught topics deemed 'inappropriate'. It comes after 'disturbing reports' around Relationships, Sex, Health and Education classes, and a right-wing think-tank's claim that schools were 'letting children change gender without telling parents'.

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Gillian Keegan, Secretary of State for Education, said she is 'concerned' about reports on the content of RHSE lessons. Stonewall, an LGBTQ+ charity, warned that 'we must not repeat the mistakes of Section 28', which banned schools and local authorities from 'promoting homosexuality'. Mermaids, a trans youth charity, added that schools should be supported to 'allow trans young people to be safe at school and enjoy the same standard of education as everyone else, rather than putting barriers in their way'.

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Lucy Emmerson, the chief executive of the charity Sex Education Forum, said that it is 'essential' to review RHSE guidance from time to time to stay up to date. When asked whether LGBTQ-inclusive sex and relationships education would be classified as 'inappropriate', 'damaging' or 'contested', the DfE did not immediately respond to requests for comment. Despite the caution of campaigners, it is encouraging that the Government is looking to update and improve the current curriculum, giving pupils the opportunity to learn about themselves in a safe and inclusive environment.

LGBTQ+ campaigners fear that the mistakes of Section 28, which banned schools and local authorities from 'promoting homosexuality', could be repeated as the Government reviews 'inappropriate' sex and relationships classes. In response, the Department for Education has announced that an independent panel will review the curriculum, with a focus on 'clear safeguards to stop pupils from being taught contested and potentially damaging concepts'.

The review comes amid reports of 'disturbing' Relationships, Sex, Health and Education lessons and a recent right-wing think-tank report claiming that schools were 'letting children change gender without telling parents' - a safeguarding issue.

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Gillian Keegan, Secretary of State for Education, has expressed concern at the reports and the panel will look to set age ratings for topics that could be deemed 'inappropriate' to stop pupils from being exposed to potentially damaging ideas. Furthermore, the independent panel will also ensure that LGBTQ+ inclusive sex and relationships classes are not classified as 'inappropriate', 'damaging' or 'contested'.

Mermaids, a trans youth charity, has said it will engage with the Department of Education's consultation to ensure trans young people can learn without information being suppressed and that they have the same access and opportunities as everyone else.

The Sex Education Forum has also expressed the importance of a review to ensure young people have access to the information they need to identify healthy relationships.

Overall, the review is a positive step towards ensuring LGBTQ+ inclusive sex and relationships classes are not viewed as 'inappropriate' and that young people have the information they need to make informed decisions.

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