UK man awarded money after opening 'ugly' Mars bar packaging.

Man finds missing ripple in UK chocolate bar purchased from petrol station in Thame.

December 1st 2024.

UK man awarded money after opening 'ugly' Mars bar packaging.
A man from Britain recently had a peculiar experience with his Mars bar. Harry Seager, 34, had purchased the chocolate bar from a petrol station in the small town of Thame in the UK last month. However, when he opened the wrapper, he was surprised to find that the bar was completely smooth, lacking its usual signature ripple. Seager took to social media and shared a photo of the unusual bar in a popular Facebook group called Dull Men's Club, which garnered a lot of attention.

Curious about the reason behind the smooth bar, Seager reached out to Mars Wrigley, the company that produces Mars bars. He was later compensated with a £2 voucher for his trouble. Seager was grateful for the gesture and saw it as an opportunity to get two free Mars bars. He even mentioned that he could have received more, but he didn't want to come across as ungrateful.

The smooth Mars bar sparked a debate in the online community, with one commenter describing it as "unsettling" and another calling it "hideous". Seager's experience also caught the attention of the media, with headlines such as "Man, 31, charged with double murder of married Sydney couple" and "Major breakthrough in fight against one of our nation's biggest killers". However, Seager seemed to take it all in stride, focusing on his unique encounter with the smooth Mars bar.

In response to the incident, a spokesperson from Mars Wrigley explained that the smooth bar had slipped through their regular checks at the production line, resulting in the missing swirl. The company assured fans that the classic swirl was not going away and that the smooth bars were a rare find. They also shared that Mars bars have been handmade in Slough, Berkshire since their inception and are still manufactured there today.

Seager's experience with the smooth Mars bar may have been unexpected, but it served as an interesting anecdote and a reminder of the handcrafted origins of the popular chocolate bar. And although he may have received a small compensation, Seager was grateful for the £2 voucher and the quirky story that came along with it.

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