Antonio Brown's NAL team disbanded after payments failed.

Teams must pay 1/7 of NAL's budget for operations.

June 20th 2023.

Antonio Brown's NAL team disbanded after payments failed.
Former NFL player Antonio Brown has once again found himself in hot water as his football team, the Albany Empire, has been kicked out of the National Arena League (NAL).

According to a press release, the Empire was terminated for not meeting the contractual obligations of all team owners. This included not making mandatory payments to the league starting in April 2023. Brown made the April payment, yet failed to make another one thereafter.

The league then held an emergency conference call and decided that if a payment wasn’t made by a certain date, the Empire’s membership in the NAL would be terminated. After the NAL credited the payment back to Brown, the former Tampa Bay Buccaneer told the league to speak directly to his accountant, Alex Gunaris.

Brown was also fined $1,000 for conduct detrimental to the league, and Gunaris stated that “it didn’t seem like Mr. Brown was going to pay the assessment or fine.”

The Albany Empire had won the last two championships until Brown purchased the team in March 2023. According to CBS News, players and staff weren’t receiving paychecks from the team, and the head coach left the Empire due to missed payments.

It’s shocking given the fact that Brown was paid a total of $80.4 million over his 12-year career in the NFL. The National Arena League has officially terminated the Albany Empire franchise as of today.

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