Two individuals sentenced to prison for abducting, abusing, and coercing a defenseless woman to consume excrement.

What caused this to happen to me?

January 15th 2024.

Two individuals sentenced to prison for abducting, abusing, and coercing a defenseless woman to consume excrement.
Elisha Robinson and Jodie Colvin, two young adults aged 23, along with a teenage accomplice, committed a despicable and heartless act that has left their victim with both physical and psychological scars. This merciless gang callously recorded themselves subjecting their vulnerable victim to a gruesome seven-hour ordeal, which included force-feeding her feces and sexually assaulting her.

The victim, a 21-year-old with learning difficulties, had arranged to meet the perpetrators in Norwich City Centre on the evening of February 6th last year. However, instead of a harmless get-together, she was kidnapped by the trio and taken to Colvin's home in Mulbarton, a small village five miles south of Norwich.

Before the attack, the twisted individuals had been goading each other through text messages, fueling their depraved intentions. Once they had their victim in their clutches, they poured hot water and bleach on her, pulled her hair, and sexually assaulted her. As if that wasn't enough, they also struck her repeatedly on the head and face. To add to the horror, they filmed their heinous acts, and then forced the victim to clean the room, all the while threatening her with further harm if she told anyone.

In the early hours of February 7th, they marched her out of the house and into a nearby field, armed with a baseball bat. The victim, who was severely injured and traumatized, managed to stumble towards a nearby home and knock on the door, begging for help. The homeowner called the police and emergency services, and the three perpetrators were arrested that same afternoon at Robinson's home in Attleborough.

The victim's statement, read out during a court hearing, revealed the long-lasting effects of the ordeal on her. She struggled to understand how one human being could treat another in such a cruel manner and questioned why it had happened to her. The experience has haunted her for months, causing her to suffer from recurring nightmares and difficulty sleeping. The physical and emotional damage inflicted on her and her family will stay with them forever, leaving their lives forever changed.

The severity of the crime was not lost on the judge, who called it one of the most serious cases he had ever dealt with. He shared the same sentiment as the victim, wondering how one human could treat another in such a horrifying manner. The Crown Prosecution Service prosecutor, Laura McLeod, also expressed her shock and disgust at the acts of intimidation, physical violence, and sexual assault committed by the perpetrators.

In the end, justice prevailed, and the three perpetrators were sentenced to a combined total of over thirty years in prison. Robinson and Colvin, both residents of Norfolk, were handed down a sentence of twelve years and nine months each, after pleading guilty to charges of assault, false imprisonment, and causing grievous bodily harm. Robinson also admitted to administering a poisonous substance and assaulting a police officer. The third member of the gang, a teenager who was only 16 at the time of the crime, received a six-year sentence for his involvement in the false imprisonment and causing grievous bodily harm. He was also found guilty of sexual assault and penetration without consent.

Detective Sergeant Tom Cole, who led the investigation, described the attack as horrific, calculated, and vicious. He commended the victim for her bravery in coming forward and sharing the traumatic experience, and hoped that the sentence would bring her some closure and justice. This heinous crime serves as a reminder to us all to treat others with kindness, compassion, and respect, and to speak out against any form of violence or abuse.

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