Twitter verifies notable accounts with 1M+ followers with a blue tick to boost visibility.

Celebrities get their MBEs back from the Queen: Beyoncé, Kane, Osman and Beckham included.

April 23rd 2023.

Twitter verifies notable accounts with 1M+ followers with a blue tick to boost visibility.

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After introducing Twitter Blue and its paid subscription service for verification, many people voiced their outrage online. Unwilling to pay the fee, some verified accounts began losing their blue ticks. However, today, Elon Musk has come to the rescue, restoring the blue tick to some accounts with more than one million followers – without any payment required. This includes celebrities like Beyoncé, Harry Kane, Richard Osman, and Victoria Beckham. The original blue tick was given out by Twitter for free and was meant to help stop fake accounts and the spread of misinformation. It is now a symbol of a premium service and a verification process that comes with a fee of around $8 per month. Although Mr Musk has paid for the subscriptions of certain accounts, not everyone with a high following has been granted the blue tick for free. It is possible that this will be done manually over the coming days, so get in touch with our news team by emailing us at email for the latest updates.

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