Transforming churches into spaces for events and community activities.

Church can be the ideal place to host an event, offering many amenities and benefits.

December 2nd 2023.

Transforming churches into spaces for events and community activities.
When it comes to planning your next event, you might be surprised to learn that your local church could be the perfect venue. Day Edwards and Emmanuel Brown, the co-founders of the innovative online platform ChurchSpace, are on a mission to revolutionize the way we utilize houses of worship, transforming them into vibrant, affordable event and community spaces.

ChurchSpace's concept is set to disrupt the small event marketplace. By combining the underutilized spaces of near-empty churches with an Airbnb-style business model, they've created an online portal perfect for event organizers. Founded in 2019, ChurchSpace has been gaining traction, and their expansion into the Dallas market and the launch of a new website mark a major milestone in their journey.

"ChurchSpace is a mission-driven marketplace that's all about creating opportunities for community engagement, collaboration, and growth," stated Brown. "Our platform allows churches to make the most of their spaces, while also providing food entrepreneurs, event organizers, and community members access to unique venues."

The idea for ChurchSpace was born from the founders' own experiences. Both being children of pastors, they saw firsthand the challenges faced by church leaders in maintaining their congregations and serving their communities. With ChurchSpace, Edwards and Brown wanted to create a way for churches to generate revenue while staying compliant with the nonprofit sector.

"Churches offer a unique combination of diverse spaces and widespread availability, making them ideal for a variety of uses," Edwards shared. "From fellowship halls to gymnasiums and auditorium-style seating, churches have it all. Expanding into Dallas is a logical next step for our company."

ChurchSpace has been gaining recognition from big tech companies, such as Google and Amazon. Google awarded the business $100,000, mentorship, and programming support through its Black Founders Fund program. Amazon also selected ChurchSpace for its AWS Impact Accelerator for Black Founders initiative and the business has attracted several investors. ChurchSpace is on track to grow into additional markets in 2024.

So the next time you’re searching for a venue to host your women’s summit, fraternity conference, baby shower, or any other event, you may not have to look further than your local house of worship. With ChurchSpace, churches have the potential to become unique and affordable event spaces, while also providing an additional revenue stream for the congregation.

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