Today's astrological predictions for your star sign for Sept 18, 2023.

Appearances can be deceiving; don't be fooled by what may seem valuable.

September 18th 2023.

Today's astrological predictions for your star sign for Sept 18, 2023.
Are you curious to find out what the stars have in store for you today? We're nearing the end of Virgo season and a New Moon in the sign has recently passed, which means it's a great time to start setting your plans and goals before Libra's hedonism takes hold.

Gemini is facing a tough decision today: should they keep the peace with a white lie, or should they speak their truth? Leo may be struggling to get someone out of their mind, while Scorpio could be feeling the romance in the air – even if all isn’t as it seems.

Ahead, you’ll find the horoscope forecast for September 18, 2023 for all the star signs. Read on for your full prediction!

March 21 to April 20

Today, the Scorpio Moon is making a link with celestial Ceres, which suggests that you may be feeling an increased appetite for life. However, with a Neptune aspect peaking, you could falter when it comes to making a crucial decision.
If you’re feeling unsure, it would be best to wait a bit. Soon enough, the Sun will be making an aspect to Pluto and you’ll have a clearer idea of what to do.

April 21 to May 21

It would be beneficial to work together with others rather than compete. Whatever your goals and ambitions, there will likely be others who share your desires, ideals, and approach to life.
You can go it alone and make a success out of your plans, but you may find more joy if you share it with others. Plus, the friends you make can be incredibly supportive.

May 22 to June 21

Flattery can go a long way, so why not praise your partners and colleagues and encourage them in their plans? However, the Sun is linking up with Neptune in a confusing way, so it might be better to keep your relationship civil – even if that means telling a white lie.
Just be sure you can keep up the act, Gemini. You won't want to be embarrassed if you let it slip in a few days.

June 22 to July 23

Don’t let anyone push you into doing something that you don’t agree with, or something that you don’t want to do – whether it’s on principle or because you simply have no interest.
If you owe someone a kindness, it’s up to you to pay it back when you’re ready. Otherwise, you’ll likely find yourself in the same situation again, and that would be unfortunate.

July 24 to August 23

This could be a romantic time for you, but with a focus on a specific zone, your feelings could become even more intense. It would be wise to take a relaxed attitude if you don’t feel ready to commit to anything just yet.
It’s not always easy to get someone out of your head, especially if you see them on a regular basis. But don’t worry, Leo. You’ll be alright.

August 24 to September 23

A developing aspect could have you eager to finish something or solve a problem, but you may get swept up in other things – like a family gathering – and lose your focus. However, it’s important to remember that it’s just as important to give your mind and body a break and take some time to relax.

September 24 to October 23

It may be time for you to recharge your batteries and take a break from those tasks you promised to finish. It’s not always easy to stop working and do your own thing, but you can plan for some time off. If you haven’t enjoyed a serious pampering session in a while, now might be the perfect moment! Indulge yourself and enjoy.

October 24 to November 22

As the Sun aligns with Neptune, this dreamy aspect can increase the chances of a romance blossoming. A conversation could be the key to sealing the deal – especially if you’ve had your eyes on this person for a while.
But it’s best to remember that not everything is as it seems. Enjoy the moment, but stay alert and cautious.

November 23 to December 21

The Moon in Scorpio is working together with asteroid Ceres in a psychological zone, which could make you yearn for the right spiritual nourishment that will sustain you through your daily life.
Going for a walk could be a great way to unwind and get in touch with your inner wisdom. Alternatively, you could try a hobby or sport that will help you get into a flow state.

December 22 to January 21

Anyone who thinks they can make you do something doesn’t realise how stubborn you can be. Even if they have power over you, they’ll find it difficult to get you to follow orders unless there’s a very good reason.
If they ask nicely, though, you’ll be happy to help. It’s not that you’re being awkward, but that you value respect.

January 22 to February 19

Someone in a position of responsibility may not be as together as you expect them to be. You may find yourself feeling confused when it comes to dealing with money.
You can make your position clear, and with a dreamy aspect in your financial zone, you may be surprised by what happens. Just remember to stay away if you feel something might go wrong.

February 20 to March 20

The Moon and Ceres are working together, which could give you an intense desire for travel and adventure. Ceres encourages us to find those activities and relationships that nurture us the most, so if there’s a place you’ve been dreaming of visiting, now could be the perfect time to plan a trip. You never know what could happen!

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