To truly change, the Democrats need to not only replace Biden, but also their policies.

Democrats are facing the consequences of exaggerating Biden's health, as the truth about his condition is revealed. The truth hurts.

July 6th 2024.

To truly change, the Democrats need to not only replace Biden, but also their policies.
Last week, the Democrats were faced with the unpleasant realization that their excessive and deceitful attacks on President Biden's health had finally caught up with them. It was like waking up with a terrible hangover after a wild night of drinking, but this time, the consequences were particularly severe. The truth was finally revealed about the true state of our current president's health, and it wasn't looking good.

For a while now, the Democrats had been trying to hide the fact that President Biden is not in the best physical or mental condition. They painted a false image of him being strong and capable, but the truth could no longer be hidden. The veil was lifted, and it was clear that our incumbent president is actually quite frail and struggling with his mental clarity.

This was a harsh reality for the Democrats to face, especially after they had invested so much time and effort into portraying Biden as a strong leader. But now, the consequences of their actions had caught up with them, and it was not pretty. The public could no longer be deceived, and the Democrats were left to deal with the consequences of their lies.

It was a wake-up call for everyone, as the truth about President Biden's condition could no longer be ignored. The Democrats were forced to confront the fact that their chosen leader may not be fit to lead the country. And as the day-after hangover subsided, they were left to face the sobering reality of the situation and the impact it could have on our nation.

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