Tips for controlling your emotions at work.

Emotions can be difficult to deal with as we often deny their impact on us. Discover how to effectively handle them through this approach.

April 29th 2024.

Tips for controlling your emotions at work.
We've all been there before. Whether we want to admit it or not, we've all experienced the pain of being hurt at work. Sometimes it's our boss who's the culprit, and other times it's our colleagues. But regardless, it's a humiliating experience. Emotions can be a sensitive topic, as many of us like to pretend that we don't have any or that they don't affect us. However, research shows that the majority of people carry around a lot of emotional baggage, and at any moment, it could become too much to handle.

As a life coach, I've learned that connecting with my clients on an emotional level is crucial. It allows both of us to see just how deep our emotions can go and how much they truly impact our lives. In order to be successful in both our personal and professional lives, we must have a sense of emotional health and intelligence. With that in mind, I want to share some easy tips for how to manage our emotions in the workplace.

The first step in processing our emotions is acknowledging them. This may seem simple, but it's actually one of the most difficult stages. As humans, we often struggle to admit that someone has hurt our feelings. It makes us feel vulnerable and exposed. But it's important to take a moment and acknowledge that our emotions have been triggered.

Next, we must identify what exactly triggered our emotions. This may take some time and reflection. We need to pinpoint the exact moment we started feeling a certain way. It's important not to overthink this stage and to be certain about what caused the shift in our emotions. Writing it down can also be helpful for clarity.

After identifying the trigger, we must name the emotion we are feeling. Being emotionally intelligent means having a proper vocabulary to describe our feelings. It's important to be specific and use the right words because it gives us a sense of power and helps us distinguish between different emotions. For example, saying "I feel marginalized" is much more powerful than simply saying "I feel hurt."

Once we have gone through these steps, it's important to review and reflect on everything that has taken place. This allows us to have a moment of clarity and either affirm our initial feelings or see things from a different perspective. This step is crucial because it helps prevent us from impulsively reacting to the situation, which can lead to negative consequences.

Finally, it's time for action. This is where we decide what we want to do about the situation and our emotions. It may involve confronting someone, but it's important to have processed and calmed ourselves down before taking any action. By going through the previous steps, we can approach the situation with a clear head and make a thoughtful decision on how to respond.

Remember, we have the power to not only change our own world but also the world as a whole. Let's strive to be great and handle our emotions in a healthy and productive way. Until next time, Pervis Taylor, III.

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