This summer, UK's emergency alert system will appear in a major film, highlighting its importance to the public. UK's emergency alert system will be featured in a major movie, showcasing its importance in keeping people informed.

Director needs assistance and is asking for help.

April 23rd 2023.

This summer, UK's emergency alert system will appear in a major film, highlighting its importance to the public. 

UK's emergency alert system will be featured in a major movie, showcasing its importance in keeping people informed.

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Oscar-winning director Asif Kapadia is taking full advantage of the recent nationwide emergency test alert, asking people to record their reactions and send them in for his upcoming project. On April 23 at 3pm, phones across the UK let out a rather startling sound as part of a brand new government service aimed at warning people of life-threatening emergencies nearby. Asif, known for his visually striking films exploring ‘outsiders’, is looking for footage of people reacting to be included in his new film. In January 2021, he shared the initial ideas for the project, which revolve around the state of the world, politics, environment, corruption, tech, race, and more. People were more than happy to help out, sending him videos and screen recordings of the emergency alert.

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Oscar-winning director Asif Kapadia is taking advantage of the recent emergency alert sent out by the UK government, and is asking people to record their reactions for a new movie project. The alert, sent out as a test on April 23 at 3pm, was part of a brand new government service that is set to warn people if there’s a danger to life nearby.

Asif, known for his visually striking films exploring ‘outsiders’ and characters living in extreme circumstances, is looking for footage of people’s reactions to the alert to feature in his upcoming project. He tweeted in January 2021, offering a glimpse into his initial ideas of the film and asking people to get involved, to which they responded positively.

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This exciting project promises to highlight the positive change that can come from a nationwide emergency alert.

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