Adele is overjoyed after finishing the marathon, despite having a stoma bag Audrey along for the ride!

I was sobbing uncontrollably when I finished.

April 23rd 2023.

Adele is overjoyed after finishing the marathon, despite having a stoma bag Audrey along for the ride!
Adele Roberts was over the moon after achieving an incredible feat on Sunday – she broke a world record for her London Marathon run with her stoma bag, whom she affectionately nicknamed Audrey. The 44-year-old television presenter completed the iconic race in 3 hours, 30 minutes and 22 seconds, and was delighted to hear the news live on TV. She joked after the race: ‘I can retire now, I’m finished! In training I only went 21 miles so I didn’t know if I could finish it with the stoma. I’m over the moon.’

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Adele set a record for her marathon time with a stoma bag

Adele was diagnosed with stage two bowel cancer in October 2021 and was given the all-clear from her doctors last June. She shared an update on her post-race feats with her social media followers, and paid tribute to Audrey for getting her through the monumental task. Dressed in her marathon running clothes, she excitedly showed off her official medal and presented Audrey with her very own.

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She updated her fans on her social media accounts

Adele was in her hotel room with her partner Katie Holderness while she filmed the footage and requested her other half to find the medal for her special stoma bag.

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She completed the iconic race on Sunday

Adele Roberts’s record-breaking London Marathon run is a tremendous achievement and a huge milestone in her life.

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She set a record for her marathon time with a stoma bag

Adele Roberts was absolutely elated after breaking a world record for her London Marathon run on Sunday. The 44-year-old television presenter had the incredible accomplishment of completing the iconic race with her stoma bag - whom she has nicknamed Audrey - just 10 months after getting the all-clear from bowel cancer. BBC presenter Gaby Logan shared the news with Adele live on TV, revealing that she completed the run in a remarkable 3 hours, 30 minutes and 22 seconds. A huge smile spread across Adele's face and she joked, “I can retire now, I'm finished!” She added, “In training, I only went 21 miles so I didn't know if I could finish it with the stoma. I'm over the moon.”

Adele set a record for her marathon time with a stoma bag and took to social media to update her fans on her post-race experience.

She completed the iconic race on Sunday and gave her special stoma bag a medal of its own. She was in her hotel room with her partner Katie Holderness while she filmed the footage and gestured to Katie to find the medal for her stoma bag. Adele's record-setting marathon run is a testament to her determination and strength.

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