This cafe is unique - all items are complimentary.

A Melbourne cafe offers food and a friendly environment to all, regardless of their situation.

August 28th 2024.

This cafe is unique - all items are complimentary.
The Hope Cafe may appear to be your typical restaurant in the bustling northern suburbs of Melbourne. With a variety of delicious food options on the menu and tables that fill up quickly, it's easy to mistake it for any other eatery. However, there is one key difference that sets this place apart from the rest: everything is completely free, no questions asked.

This wonderful initiative was started in 2011 and has since become a beloved community hub. It offers a warm and welcoming atmosphere to all, regardless of their circumstances. Located on the grounds of St. Mark's Catholic Church in Fawkner, the cafe is run entirely by dedicated volunteers who selflessly give their time to make a difference.

Krystene Carre, who has been a part of the initiative since its inception, shared with us how this cafe has become an essential part of the community, especially with the rising cost of living. She said, "There are some weeks where we run out of food because we've had so many guests come through, and we just haven't been able to keep up with the demand." The cafe sees a diverse mix of visitors, including the elderly, vulnerable individuals, and those at risk. But what's heartwarming is how this place has become a safe haven for them to build their own communities, form friendships, and find support from both the volunteers and each other.

Carre also mentioned the impact they have had on the homeless, "We've had homeless people come in, and we've been able to connect them with services by providing them with resources and phone numbers to contact. Sometimes, they even come back and become regular guests with us." It's heartwarming to see how this cafe is not just about providing a warm meal, but also about creating a sense of community for those in need.

Every Thursday from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm, the cafe offers a delicious three-course meal. But it's not just about the food; the cafe also gives people the freedom to choose what they want to eat. Carre shared, "It's not just about getting a free meal; it's about giving people a sense of community. When they come, it's like they're coming to a cafe. We ask them what they would like from our menu, and they get to choose. It's all about their choice and dignity; it's not just about lining up and receiving whatever is given to them."

The cafe relies heavily on donations from local cafes, op shops, schools, and rescue groups like OzHarvest, Second Bite, and Nourishing Neighbours. However, with the increasing demand, the dedicated volunteers often find themselves purchasing food out of their own pockets. To ensure they can continue their efforts, the team is now focusing on creating a fundraiser where the public can contribute funds to support their cause. Carre explained, "We really want to have access to some money so that if someone in need does come in and we have run out of food, we can quickly go to the supermarket and grab some hot chickens and salad. This way, we can still provide them with a meal and have some backup items for them, as there is a definite need for it."

The team is currently accepting donations through their online fundraiser and is also welcoming new volunteers to join their efforts. So, if you're looking to make a difference and be a part of a wonderful community, the Hope Cafe located at 9 Lee Street in Fawkner would love to have you on board. Every small contribution goes a long way in spreading hope and warmth to those who need it the most.

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