The writer explains why they now prefer the number 69.

Don't dismiss the 69 or any other sexual activity without considering my perspective.

October 11th 2024.

The writer explains why they now prefer the number 69.
After a few minutes of struggling to find a comfortable position, Almara and her lover decided to abandon their attempt at 69. Almara couldn't help but think about how her bumhole was right in her lover's face. It was the only thought running through her mind as she tried to enjoy the oral sex her lover was giving her. His tongue was doing its best to work its magic, but she was too focused on her own body.

She knew she was clean and tasted good, but she couldn't help but wonder how her lover felt about having his nose so close to her behind. To make matters worse, her soft stomach was pressed against his hard abs, making her feel self-conscious as she tried to give him a blowjob. It was all too overwhelming for her.

If you haven't guessed it yet, Almara and her lover were attempting the infamous 69 position, and it wasn't going well. After ten minutes of uncomfortable maneuvering, they gave up. Almara couldn't help but think of all the similar stories her friends had shared about this particular sex act. In fact, just last week, she was discussing it with her pals.

But don't worry, there's a solution. Sign up for Metro's sex and dating newsletter, The Hook-Up, to get all the latest juicy stories and tips for spicing things up in the bedroom. The most common issue with 69 seems to be the bumhole situation. No matter how much you clean up, it's only natural to wonder what your partner is experiencing.

Almara had convinced herself that she didn't enjoy mutual oral sex because of her bad experience. But before you give up on 69 (or any other sex act), hear her out. She shares her own experience and how she learned to enjoy it.

The incident she mentioned happened over 15 years ago when she was still inexperienced in giving and receiving oral sex. Her older and more experienced boyfriend suggested they try 69, and while she didn't mind, she was nervous and didn't share her concerns with him. That was her first mistake. It's important to communicate with your partner and ease into new positions.

But Almara was young and decided to just go along with it. She was so embarrassed that she avoided mutual oral sex for a long time and convinced herself that she didn't like it. But in reality, she hadn't given it a fair chance.

As she got older and more confident in herself and her body, she learned that sex is not an exact science and that it takes time to figure out what you enjoy. She shares how her taste developed over time and how she challenged herself to try new things in the bedroom.

When a partner suggested 69 again, she was honest about not thinking it was her thing, but she was willing to experiment. And that's when she discovered that a simple change in body positioning made all the difference.

She also shares how using a vibrator can enhance the experience and how important it is to be open to experimentation. Sometimes, it's not the sex position that's the problem, but external factors like a bad day or being with the wrong partner.

Almara encourages everyone to share their experiences and thoughts in the comments and not to worry about "failing" in bed. Sex is a learning curve, and it's okay to try new things and see what works for you. She wishes someone had told her this when she first tried 69 and urges others not to make the same mistake.

Now, she's at peace with the fact that sex can be unpredictable, but she still pushes her boundaries and tries new things. Although 69 is not her go-to position, she enjoys it now and then for something different. And most importantly, she no longer feels embarrassed about it. So don't be afraid to explore and have fun in the bedroom!

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