The union representing rail workers has agreed to a pay agreement after a long period of disagreement.

Workers have been protesting due to an ongoing disagreement regarding wages, job stability, and the environment they work in.

February 24th 2023.

The union representing rail workers has agreed to a pay agreement after a long period of disagreement.

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The members of the Transport Salaried Staffs Association have voted to accept offers made by train companies, meaning their strike action will be withdrawn. To demonstrate their protest, members of the union gathered outside Paddington Station in January. A spokesperson for the TSSA expressed their gratitude to their members, who had managed to secure a significantly better pay deal over two years, promises of no compulsory redundancies, improved chances for redeployment and consultation over any proposed changes to ticket offices and terms and conditions. They stated that their members had achieved a better future for themselves and could be proud of their actions in this historic dispute.

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Members of the Transport Salaried Staffs Association have agreed to accept proposals from train companies, thus ending the long-running dispute over pay, job security and working conditions. The union declared that it will formally accept the offers and notify the train companies that ballots for continuing industrial action have been withdrawn. In January, members had protested outside Paddington Station. A spokesperson for the TSSA mentioned that their members had managed to secure a much improved pay deal over two years, with commitments for no compulsory redundancies, improved opportunities for redeployment, and full consultation over proposed reforms to ticket offices and any changes to terms and conditions. They expressed appreciation for their members' dedication, and congratulated them on their success in achieving a better future.

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