The UN Security Council passes resolution to stop the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza.

The UN Security Council has approved a resolution supporting a cease-fire plan to end the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza, which was proposed by President Biden and accepted by Israel.

June 11th 2024.

The UN Security Council passes resolution to stop the Israel-Hamas conflict in Gaza.
The United Nations Security Council has made a significant move on Monday, approving a resolution that endorses a cease-fire plan to put an end to the eight-month-long conflict between Israel and Hamas in Gaza. The resolution was sponsored by the United States and has received overwhelming support, with 14 out of the 15 Security Council members voting in favor. Russia was the only country to abstain from voting.

The resolution welcomes a cease-fire proposal put forth by President Joe Biden, which the US claims that Israel has accepted. It also calls on Hamas, the militant Palestinian group, to accept the three-phase plan. This resolution puts pressure on both Israel and Hamas to approve the proposal and move forward with the plan in question.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Israel on Monday, where he urged Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to accept the plan for postwar Gaza. He also pushed for more international pressure on Hamas to agree to the cease-fire proposal. However, Netanyahu has expressed skepticism towards the deal, stating that Israel is still committed to destroying Hamas.

In response to the resolution, Hamas welcomed its adoption and expressed readiness to work with mediators in indirect negotiations with Israel to implement the plan. This statement marked one of Hamas' strongest stances to date, but it also emphasized their determination to continue their struggle against Israeli occupation and work towards establishing a fully sovereign Palestinian state.

According to Hamas spokesperson Jihad Taha, efforts are still ongoing to clarify certain matters and ensure Israel's compliance with the plan. However, Taha accused Israel of stalling and creating obstacles in order to prolong the aggression.

On the other hand, a senior Israeli diplomat made no direct mention of the resolution, but reiterated Israel's unwavering position. Minister Counselor Reut Shapir Ben Naftaly stated that Israel will continue its efforts until all hostages are returned and Hamas' military and governing capabilities are dismantled. She also stressed that Israel will not engage in endless negotiations that can be exploited by Hamas to stall for time.

US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield reiterated that Israel has accepted the cease-fire deal, which is also supported by many countries around the world. She stated that the adoption of this resolution sends a clear message to Hamas to accept the deal and put an end to the ongoing fighting.

Deputy US Ambassador Robert Wood also expressed his belief that this deal presents the best and most realistic opportunity to temporarily halt the war. Earlier on Monday, Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad leaders met in Qatar to discuss the proposed cease-fire deal. They stated that any agreement must lead to a permanent cease-fire, a complete Israeli withdrawal from Gaza, reconstruction, and a serious hostage exchange between Gaza and Palestinians held in Israeli jails.

Russia's UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia explained their decision to abstain from voting, stating that they have questions regarding the details of the three-phase plan. He also highlighted the lack of clarity regarding Israel's official agreement, given their previous statements about extending the war until Hamas is completely defeated.

Algeria's UN Ambassador Amar Bendjama, the Arab representative on the council, acknowledged that the resolution is not perfect but stated that it offers a ray of hope for the Palestinians. He emphasized that the alternative to this resolution is the continuous killing and suffering of the Palestinian people. Bendjama also stated that they voted in favor of this resolution to give diplomacy a chance to reach an agreement and put an end to the aggression that has lasted for far too long.

The war between Israel and Hamas was sparked by a surprise attack by Hamas on October 7, in which they killed approximately 1,200 people, mostly Israeli civilians, and took about 250 others hostage. Currently, there are still 120 hostages remaining, with 43 reported dead. According to the Gaza Health Ministry, Israel's military offensive has killed over 36,700 Palestinians and injured more than 83,000 others. The UN also reports that about 80% of Gaza's buildings have been destroyed.

The resolution adopted on Monday highlights the ongoing diplomatic efforts by Egypt, Qatar, and the United States to reach a comprehensive cease-fire deal consisting of three phases. The resolution also states that these countries are prepared to continue negotiations until all agreements are reached.

President Biden's proposal, announced on May 31, outlines a three-phase plan that starts with an initial six-week cease-fire and the release of hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners. It also includes the withdrawal of Israeli forces from populated areas in Gaza and the return of Palestinian civilians to all areas in the territory. Phase one also includes the safe distribution of humanitarian assistance throughout Gaza.

Phase two, with the agreement of Israel and Hamas, would lead to a permanent end to hostilities in exchange for the release of all remaining hostages and a full Israeli withdrawal from Gaza. Phase three would focus on a major multi-year reconstruction plan for Gaza and the return of the remains of any deceased hostages to their families.

The resolution also stresses the Security Council's commitment to achieving a negotiated two-state solution, with Israel and Palestine living side by side in peace within secure and recognized borders. It also emphasizes the importance of unifying Gaza with the West Bank under the Palestinian Authority, which has not been agreed upon by Netanyahu's right-wing government.

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