Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu denies any plans for Israeli settlements in Gaza.

"Israeli PM Netanyahu says there are no plans for settlements in Gaza after war, as it was never a possibility."

May 22nd 2024.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu denies any plans for Israeli settlements in Gaza.
Recently, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sat down for an interview with US media and revealed that there are no plans to build settlements in the Gaza Strip following the ongoing war. He made this clear in an interview with CNN on Tuesday, stating that resettling Gaza was never an option for him. While some of his supporters may not agree with this decision, it remains his stance.

Despite pressure from right-wing nationalist Ministers within his coalition, who have expressed their desire to resettle the Gaza Strip with Jewish settlers, Netanyahu stands firm in his belief that the area must be demilitarized in order to prevent the resurgence of terrorism. He explained that Israel is the only force capable of achieving this and ensuring peace in the region.

At the same time, Netanyahu also expressed his hope for a civilian administration in Gaza that is not controlled by Hamas or committed to the destruction of Israel. This, he believes, will bring stability to the area and allow for a peaceful coexistence between Israelis and Palestinians.

Last Saturday, tensions rose within Netanyahu's government as member Benny Gantz threatened to leave if the Prime Minister did not present a plan for the post-war order in Gaza by June 8. Gantz, a retired Army General and former Defence Minister, joined the war Cabinet as a Minister without portfolio in order to demonstrate national unity in the face of the recent attacks by Hamas and other extremist groups. However, he and his centre-right National Union Party have made it clear that they will not stay if a plan is not presented soon.

While Netanyahu's Likud party is currently trailing in opinion polls behind the opposition National Union, the Prime Minister remains steadfast in his stance that Israeli military control must continue in Gaza for the foreseeable future. So far, he has not presented a plan for the administration and reconstruction of the area after the war, but it is clear that he is focused on achieving lasting peace and stability in the region.

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