The UK was treated to a dazzling display of a supermoon and lunar eclipse, but will it be visible again tonight?

Can we see each other again tonight?

September 18th 2024.

The UK was treated to a dazzling display of a supermoon and lunar eclipse, but will it be visible again tonight?
Last night, the skies above Liverpool were illuminated by a breathtaking sight - the harvest supermoon. This celestial event was made even more special by the presence of a lunar eclipse, adding a touch of magic to the already magnificent display.

For those unfamiliar with the term, a supermoon occurs when the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit, making it appear larger and brighter in the sky. And last night's supermoon was not just any ordinary one - it was a harvest supermoon, named as such because it is the closest full moon to the autumn equinox on September 22.

As the evening progressed, viewers were treated to the sight of a partial lunar eclipse, with a sliver of the moon disappearing into the Earth's shadow. The moon itself seemed to be at its largest and most vibrant in the early evening, with some areas even catching a glimpse of its orange hue.

In fact, the supermoon appeared 15% larger and 30% brighter than when it is at its farthest point from Earth. And while these lunar events may not happen frequently, there are still two more supermoons to look forward to this year - the October hunter moon on October 18 and the November beaver moon on November 15.

But it wasn't just the UK that got to witness this spectacular occurrence. The harvest supermoon and lunar eclipse were also visible in Latin America, Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia and the Middle East. Last month, stargazers across Europe were delighted by another rare lunar event - a blue supermoon. This refers to a second full moon that appears in one calendar month, which happens only once every two or three years.

As we bid farewell to the harvest supermoon and eagerly await the next two supermoons, let us take a moment to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the universe. These celestial events serve as a reminder of the vastness and mystery that surrounds us, and how lucky we are to be able to witness such marvels from our own backyards.

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