The rivers Dee and Tweed are bringing news of environmental changes, wildlife conservation and recreation opportunities.

Rivers Dee and Tweed have been active this month. Scottish Field has all the news.

March 22nd 2023.

The rivers Dee and Tweed are bringing news of environmental changes, wildlife conservation and recreation opportunities.
Robson Green, Dame Katherine Grainger and Al Peake have been chosen as ambassadors for the River Dee Trust, with Green stating that it is the "bonniest river, not only in Scotland, but in Britain if not Europe". Grainger commented that the Dee is remarkable and has a special place in her heart, while Peake is dedicated to ensuring the salmon in the river have a sustainable future.

The Tweed Foundation has likewise opened their Ian Gregg River Academy close to Melrose, with a two-metre long water tank featuring various fish from the river. The academy was named after former River Tweed Commission chief commissioner Ian Gregg, who was present at the opening ceremony. The aim of the academy is to provide a centre of excellence where people can discover more about the river and the life that inhabits it.

Scottish Field's field sports pages have more fishing stories, and readers can also find Michael Wigan's fishing column in the April issue of the magazine.

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