The paediatrician had amassed over 1.3 million images of child abuse.

The doctor confessed to having a romantic interest in young girls before they reach puberty.

February 23rd 2023.

The paediatrician had amassed over 1.3 million images of child abuse.

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David Shaw, 48, who had worked as a GP with a specialty in paediatrics from 2005 to 2013, was sentenced to a two year and two month imprisonment at Maidstone Crown Court after pleading guilty to three counts of making and possessing indecent images of children. Judge Saxby, who presided over the case, noted that Shaw, being a specialist in paediatrics, should have been aware of the harm such images of children would cause. A Senior Investigator from the National Crime Agency, Tony Smith, commented on the case being one of the biggest collections of child sexual abuse images the NCA had ever dealt with. Smith continued, saying that Shaw had not only abused his position of trust by downloading the material, but was also fuelling the trade in child sexual abuse images, re-victimising every child depicted in them. He called on the NCA to continue pursuing offenders like Shaw, making them accountable for their actions and protecting victims of online child sexual abuse. For more information on this story, contact our news team by emailing us at email.

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