The most typical topics of disagreement between couples are small messes like crumbs in the kitchen and wet towels left on the floor.

It's beneficial to have a healthy debate.

February 27th 2023.

The most typical topics of disagreement between couples are small messes like crumbs in the kitchen and wet towels left on the floor.

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Forgetting to turn the lights off when leaving a room is the biggest source of bickering between couples, according to a survey of 2,000 adults by YaleHome. Additionally, 19% of people said that not wiping down kitchen surfaces and 17% of people said that damp towels being left around are also big causes of arguments. Matters of home security placed fairly low on the list, with only 7% arguing over not double-locking the doors at night and 5% arguing over leaving the windows open when no one is home. Furthermore, the quantity of arguments vary across the UK, with couples from Sheffield and Stoke-on-Trent having the most arguments about household tasks, with a whopping eight arguments a week.

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It appears that leaving lights on and not wiping down kitchen surfaces are the main sources of bickering between couples!

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