The Maharashtra govt. has approved the preparation of an index to measure people's perception of safety.

July 24th 2023.

The Maharashtra govt. has approved the preparation of an index to measure people's perception of safety.
The State Government of Maharashtra has taken a bold step towards bolstering public trust in the police force. In a bid to assess how safe citizens feel concerning the performance of the police force, the government has granted administrative approval for the allocated budget of Rs 18 lakh for the preparation of the "Index of Safety Perception".

Government sources have highlighted the importance of daily operations such as crime detection, preventive measures, and providing security during protests, which play a crucial role in shaping the public's perception of the police.

A government official revealed that to foster better communication between the police and public, the government has been considering the creation of an Index of Safety Perception for the police units. Subsequently, the government has granted approval for the pilot program.

The chosen pilot units, the Police Commissionerate in Navi Mumbai and the Superintendent of Police in Satara, will lead the preparation of the Index of Safety Perception. The budget of Rs 18 lakhs will facilitate the implementation of the survey. The Director General of Police office will further refine the details of the survey process.

This initiative is a testament to the government's commitment to strengthening public trust in the police force and creating a safer and more secure society. The progress of the pilot program will be closely monitored, marking a significant stride towards a better future in the state.

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