The head of a space agency confirms that aliens have definitely visited Earth.

There is a lot of truth out there, it seems.

August 27th 2024.

The head of a space agency confirms that aliens have definitely visited Earth.
In an interview for The Ranveer Show, S. Somanath, an Indian aerospace engineer and current chairman of India's space program, confidently expressed his belief in the existence of extraterrestrial life. With his extensive experience leading the Indian Space Research Organisation, Somanath's words hold weight as he shared his optimistic outlook on the possibility of aliens in the universe.

Somanath's stance on the matter was clear: "Absolutely, without a doubt. My conscience tells me yes, although I have no proof." As the head of an esteemed space organization, he stands by his words and firmly asserts that "there are definitely aliens out there in the universe."

When asked about the nature of these aliens, Somanath explained that they could be "living systems and cultures in other parts of the universe." He even speculated that they may be technologically advanced enough to have already visited Earth. "If they are ahead in technology by just a thousand years, or 10,000 years, they would definitely visit us," he said.

In contrast to some scientists who are less hopeful about discovering life on other planets, Somanath expressed his belief that there could be as many as 36 intelligent civilizations in our galaxy. However, he acknowledged that there is still much uncertainty surrounding this topic and that we have yet to receive any communication from aliens.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Somanath's perspective was his consideration of the physical differences between humans and aliens. He emphasized that "aliens may look fairly different to us physically" and that their biology could be vastly different from ours. This raises the question of how we would even interact with beings that may have evolved in a completely different way.

For Somanath, the idea of meeting intelligent aliens is not something he is eager to experience. "When two life forms come into contact, one has to dominate the other," he explained. This is the nature of life and could potentially lead to catastrophic consequences if we were to encounter aliens who are not aware of this dynamic.

When considering the possibility of life on other planets, Somanath also brought up the fact that these aliens may have evolved thousands of years before humans did. This would give them a significant headstart in terms of technology and understanding of the universe.

In terms of our search for alien life, Somanath admitted that until we have concrete evidence, all we can do is imagine what they may be like. He even mentioned common theories such as lizard people walking among us or ancient civilizations mistaking aliens for gods.

As an insider in the world of space exploration, Somanath revealed that the topic of aliens is often a hot topic among colleagues at the Indian Space Research Organisation. "In our free time, especially in the evenings, we often talk about these topics, particularly with my younger colleague," he shared. It seems that even the most knowledgeable minds in the field are fascinated by the possibility of other life forms in the universe.

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