The Full Moon in Pisces will cause a spiritual awakening, as predicted by your tarot horoscope for your star sign.

The moon is both partially eclipsed and a supermoon, making it even more powerful.

September 16th 2024.

The Full Moon in Pisces will cause a spiritual awakening, as predicted by your tarot horoscope for your star sign.
The moon can hold a lot of power and influence over us, especially during a full moon. And the next full moon, which will occur on September 18th, will be particularly strong. It will be in the sun sign of Virgo, which is the opposite sign of Pisces. Not only that, but it will also be a partial eclipse and a supermoon, intensifying its impact on our psyche. We may experience unexpected events as a result.

With the Pisces eclipse in full swing, we can expect to feel the traits of this sign even more strongly. This can include heightened intuition, imagination, empathy, and even psychic abilities. This is a time where we may feel a spiritual awakening, a sense of connection to something greater than ourselves. It's a window of opportunity to explore and expand our spirituality.

Some signs of a spiritual awakening may include increased intuition, sensitivity, creativity, changes in beliefs, and a desire to serve others. We may also feel a deep connection with the universe and a strong desire to be honest with ourselves. Physical changes may also occur, such as weight loss, increased fitness, brighter eyes, or a more youthful appearance. But at its core, this awakening is a shift in mindset, an emotional and mental experience that leads to positive changes in our lives.

For Aries, this is just the beginning of your spiritual journey. The tarot card for this full moon is the Ace of Wands, which symbolizes inspiration, motivation, and creativity. You may feel compelled to start a new spiritual practice, one that is both creative and practical. This could involve joining a circle, seeking a mentor, or reading esoteric books. Follow your intuition and explore your spirituality.

Taurus, this full moon may bring a sense of purpose and power to your life. The tarot card for you is The Emperor, which represents a strong ambition and a desire to make a meaningful contribution to the world. Finding your purpose can give you a sense of grounding and motivation. Use this full moon to discover your true calling.

Gemini, your spiritual awakening may come in the form of new ideas and insights, represented by the Queen of Swords. These thoughts may feel like they were delivered by unseen forces, but don't question their origin. Use them to rebuild your life and create a new strategy based on wisdom and experience.

For Cancer, this full moon may bring a deep understanding and acceptance of yourself, represented by the tarot card Judgment. You will see yourself as you truly are, without any negative judgments or comparisons to others. This realization will empower you and give you a clear sense of your purpose and goals in life.

Leo, the King of Coins is your tarot card for this full moon, indicating a surge of generosity and a desire to serve others. You are a natural leader and have the ability to protect and help those in need. Use this energy to be a positive example and do good for your community and loved ones.

Virgo, your pathway to spirituality may involve giving back to others, as shown by the Six of Coins. You are a practical and realistic person, and you may prefer to make a difference in the world through charitable acts and good causes. Embrace your unique skills and determination to make a positive impact in your corner of the world.
The upcoming Full Moon on September 18th holds a special energy that is sure to make an impact on our lives. This particular Moon falls in the sign of Virgo, with its opposing sign of Pisces also playing a significant role. Not only is it a partial eclipse, but it is also a supermoon, which means that its lunar influence on our emotions and psyche will be heightened. This could potentially bring about unexpected events and changes in our lives.

The Pisces eclipse adds an extra layer to this already powerful Moon, intensifying the traits of this water sign. Intuition, imagination, empathy, and even psychic abilities may be heightened during this time. It's a perfect opportunity for a spiritual awakening, a time to connect with our inner selves and the universe. This cosmic event may open a window for us to explore our spiritual side.

Signs of a spiritual awakening can vary, but some common experiences include heightened intuition, increased empathy and sensitivity, a surge in creativity, changes in beliefs, a desire to serve others, a sense of unity with all, and intense dreams and visions. Some may even notice physical changes such as weight loss, increased fitness, brighter eyes, and a more youthful appearance. However, at its core, a spiritual awakening is a shift in mindset, an emotional and mental experience that brings about a positive change in how we view ourselves and the world around us.

So, what does this Full Moon in Pisces mean for you? Let the tarot guide you towards understanding its significance in your life.

Aries, this is just the beginning. The Ace of Wands represents your spiritual awakening, igniting your passion and motivation to start a new spiritual practice. You may feel inspired to incorporate something creative and ritualistic into your daily routine. This could also be a time for learning and seeking guidance from mentors or joining a spiritual group.

Taurus, the Emperor card symbolizes your sense of purpose and power. You may feel a strong desire to make a difference in the world, using your unique talents and experiences for the greater good. This sense of purpose will ground you and give you the strength to overcome any challenges that come your way.

Gemini, the Queen of Swords signifies a mental awakening for you. You may receive insightful ideas and thoughts that feel like they've been delivered by unseen forces. Embrace these enlightening insights and use them to rebuild your life on a foundation of truth and wisdom. This may also be a time for creating a new strategy and putting it into practice.

Cancer, the Judgment card represents a moment of self-discovery. It's a time to see yourself for who you truly are, without any negative self-judgments or comparisons to others. This realization will empower you and give you a clear sense of your purpose and goals in life.

Leo, the King of Coins symbolizes your generosity and desire to serve others. You are a natural leader and have the strength to protect and help those around you. This Full Moon may inspire you to use your strengths for the greater good and make a positive impact in the world.

Virgo, the Six of Coins represents your practical and realistic approach to spirituality. You may find fulfillment in charitable work or getting involved in your community. Use your intelligence, perception, and determination to make a difference and bring positive change to your corner of the world.

As the Full Moon approaches, let us all embrace its powerful energy and use it as a catalyst for our spiritual growth. Let it guide us towards a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe.

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