The Full Moon in Capricorn is an opportunity to ponder your career and see what the tarot has to say for your sign.

Worrying about work?

July 2nd 2023.

The Full Moon in Capricorn is an opportunity to ponder your career and see what the tarot has to say for your sign.
The sun sign of Cancer is in the spotlight for the upcoming Full Moon on July 3rd, and as its opposing sign, Capricorn is also feeling the influence. As an ambitious and analytical sign, Capricorn is all about manifesting our dreams in a tangible, realistic way. This is the perfect time to reflect on our career goals and use the tarot to guide us in our planning.

Aries should take the pressure off and focus on having fun. The Page of Wands encourages us to be ourselves, experiment, and trust our gut instincts. Taurus should network and look for professional connections to help them along; the Three of Coins suggests a big, positive offer is coming soon.

Gemini should accept the responsibility and leadership offered by the King of Coins, while Cancer should be looking out for new opportunities and be ready to move on as soon as they come. Finally, Virgo should inject some excitement into their career and find ways to stretch and challenge themselves.

No matter what your sign is, the Full Moon in Capricorn is a great time to reassess our career goals and make sure we’re on the right path. With the tarot as our guide, we can use this pause to make tangible plans and take steps towards manifesting our dreams.
The next Full Moon is set to bring a pause to the month with its Capricorn vibe, making us all take a moment to reflect, ponder, contemplate, review, and release. On July 3rd, this particular Full Moon is in the sign of Cancer and its opposing sign of Capricorn, adding an ambitious and analytical energy to the dreamy and emotional vibes of Cancer.

This Full Moon is an opportunity to turn our daydreams into reality, to create pragmatic means of manifesting them in real life and to focus on our career. We can use this special time to figure out how to get ahead, stay ahead, fulfil our potential, feel secure, and reap the rewards we deserve.

To make the most of this Full Moon, the tarot can provide us with insight and guidance. For Aries, the Page of Wands suggests taking the pressure off, letting go of the need to be perfect, and embracing our natural instincts. Taurus should pay attention to their professional connections and don't be afraid to be bold and proactive when it comes to networking. Gemini can rely on the King of Coins to take control and set an example. For Cancer, the Six of Swords suggests that now is the time to move on from their current role. Lastly, Virgo should look for ways to inject more excitement into their career with the King of Wands.

No matter what sign you are, the Full Moon in Capricorn is an opportunity to be mindful, to reflect on our true passions and ambitions, and to make part of our dreams come true.

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