The fate of the Enterprise E is revealed in the Picard series, which follows Jean-Luc Picard as he deals with the fallout of the events that led to its disappearance.

The ship is no longer functioning.

April 14th 2023.

The fate of the Enterprise E is revealed in the Picard series, which follows Jean-Luc Picard as he deals with the fallout of the events that led to its disappearance.

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It looks like the mystery of what happened to the Starship Enterprise-E may finally be revealed by the end of Star Trek: Picard!

The latest episode of the Amazon and Paramount series saw Jean-Luc Picard and his former crew members return to the Starfleet Museum, where they discovered that Geordi had secretly and slowly rebuilding the Enterprise-D.

Meanwhile, what happened to Enterprise-E remains a mystery, but Commander Worf's file suggests an 'incident' occurred above Kriilar Prime, the homeworld of the Vorta species.

With only a few episodes left in the series, fans will surely be excited to find out what really happened to the beloved ship!

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It looks like the Enterprise-E was involved in an 'incident' long ago, and Commander Worf might have been involved in some way. Thankfully, Geordi La Forge was able to secretly rebuild the Enterprise-D, a great positive change for the Star Trek: Picard series. With only a few episodes left in the season, fans of the series can look forward to the conclusion of this epic story. Comment now if you are a fan of Star Trek: Picard!

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