The family pet of a sick person, who had a role in the TV show EastEnders, will pass away within a few weeks without medical intervention.

The idea of not having him around is devastating.

March 1st 2023.

The family pet of a sick person, who had a role in the TV show EastEnders, will pass away within a few weeks without medical intervention.

(Image Source:

Recently, Gail’s bakery announced plans to launch several drive-thru branches in London.

Furthermore, a couple revealed they make more money travelling the world than they did from their jobs back home.

Astonishingly, police uniforms were advertised during a Muslim modest fashion show.

Caroline, the owner of Cyrus, has started a GoFundMe page to raise the £20,000 needed for a life-saving operation. ‘The thought of losing him is heartbreaking,’ she said. ‘It's utterly gut-wrenching.’

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