The FAA is looking into how forged documents were used for titanium components that ended up in Boeing and Airbus aircraft.

Regulators probe fake titanium parts in recent Boeing & Airbus passenger jets.

June 14th 2024.

The FAA is looking into how forged documents were used for titanium components that ended up in Boeing and Airbus aircraft.
The recent discovery of falsified quality documentation in titanium parts has sparked an investigation by federal regulators. These parts were used in passenger jets made by top manufacturers Boeing and Airbus, causing concern for the safety of these aircraft. However, both companies have assured the public that planes containing these parts are safe to fly. Boeing has taken proactive measures by removing the affected parts from planes that have not yet been delivered to customers.

As for planes that are already in service, it will be up to regulatory agencies such as the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to determine if any action needs to be taken. The FAA has stated that they are currently looking into the issue and its potential impact. According to the agency, Boeing reported the issue and identified a distributor who may have provided falsified or incorrect records. However, the distributor has not been named.

Boeing and Airbus have not disclosed the number of planes currently flying with these undocumented titanium parts. The parts were initially flagged by Spirit AeroSystems, a company that manufactures fuselages for Boeing and wings for Airbus. According to a spokesperson for Spirit, the issue involves titanium that entered the supply chain through counterfeited documents. As soon as the problem was identified, all affected parts were removed from production.

To ensure the continued airworthiness of these parts, Spirit has conducted over 1,000 tests on the material. The FAA's investigation was first reported by The New York Times, which revealed that a parts supplier discovered small holes in the titanium due to corrosion. It is worth noting that the aerospace supply chain is a global one, and the titanium in question originated from a Chinese supplier in 2019. It was then sold to multiple companies that supply components to Spirit AeroSystems, as confirmed by two anonymous sources familiar with the situation.

According to The New York Times, an Italian company named Titanium International Group noticed discrepancies in the titanium's appearance and accompanying paperwork. The company's general manager stated that they are cooperating with authorities and cannot provide further details at this time. The paperwork, known as a statement of conformity, is vital in ensuring that parts comply with FAA quality standards. In the case of these titanium parts, the documents were falsified, raising questions about their authenticity.

Titanium alloys have been widely used in aircraft production for their strength, lightweight, and resistance to corrosion and high temperatures. They can be found in various parts such as airframes, landing gear, and more. Despite the falsified documentation, Boeing has confirmed that tests have shown the parts to be made from the correct titanium alloy. This begs the question of why the paperwork was falsified in the first place. Boeing has also clarified that they mostly source titanium directly from suppliers and that their supply has not been affected by this issue.

To address the problem, Boeing is removing affected parts from planes before delivering them to airlines. The company has stated that their analysis shows that the current fleet of aircraft can continue to fly safely. However, they have not disclosed which specific models have been affected. On the other hand, Airbus has confirmed that the parts were used on their A220 model, a smaller airliner primarily used for shorter routes. The company has conducted numerous tests on parts from the same source and concluded that the A220 remains airworthy.

The affected parts can be replaced during scheduled maintenance checks, and it will be up to the FAA and their European counterpart to determine if airlines need to replace them sooner. As the investigation continues, it is crucial to ensure the safety of passengers and maintain the integrity of the aerospace supply chain.

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