The Conservatives are committed to ruining the UK before losing their grip on power.

We must stay vigilant against the potential harm a zombie Tory Government could cause before it leaves.

February 22nd 2024.

The Conservatives are committed to ruining the UK before losing their grip on power.
It seems like a general election in May is now off the table, but the atmosphere in Westminster Village suggests otherwise. The anticipation and excitement of an election has taken over, and everyone is talking about it. However, amidst all the talk about poll numbers and strategies, we must not lose sight of the damage that a departing Tory government could cause.

Let's not forget, this is the same party that has plunged the country into a recession, dismantled public services, and deprived local authorities of much-needed resources. Every day, they seem to sink to a new low, using harmful tactics like stoking culture wars to win the election, as seen in the Home Secretary's recent attack on multiculturalism and migrants.

But the biggest legacy of this government's failure will be their lack of action on the climate emergency. The UN has called this decade a 'critical decade' for climate action, and every moment counts. Yet, instead of leading the way towards a net-zero future, our government seems to be turning a blind eye to the issue.

In fact, just this week, the government further eroded any claims of UK climate leadership by passing the same Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill that triggered a by-election in Kingswood. And let's not forget Chancellor Sunak's claims of being a world leader in reaching net zero, which were challenged in court and revealed the government's lack of credible plans and reliance on untested and risky technology.

Gone are the days when the Tory party cheered on Boris as he acknowledged the urgency of tackling the climate crisis at COP26. Now, they have shifted towards using climate change as a weapon in a divisive culture war, a tactic seen in other far-right movements around the world. It's disheartening to see key figures in the government downplay the importance of net zero and attack those who advocate for it.

It's time for MPs of all parties to come together and reject the damaging notion that the UK's actions on climate change do not matter. It matters to our international commitments and responsibilities, and it matters to the millions of people who stand to benefit from climate action in the form of lower bills, better health, and good jobs.

As the Tories continue to scrape the bottom of the barrel until the next election, which is likely to be held before the end of January 2025, we may be in for a long and difficult year. We can expect more mismanagement of finances and public services, attacks on vulnerable communities, and a disregard for the climate crisis in the pursuit of hard-right political gains.

If Keir Starmer becomes the next Prime Minister, he will inherit an economy in shambles and a country that has strayed from its net zero goals. And the worst mistake he could make is to justify the latter with the former, as it seems Labour is already doing by backtracking on their climate investment pledge.

But this is not the time for political games, especially when it comes to the fate of our planet. The climate emergency is happening, and the UK needs to step up and take action now. Do you have a story to share? We'd love to hear from you. And don't forget to share your thoughts in the comments below.

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