TfL plans to spend £4,000,000 to give each London Overground line a unique name.

No one wants too much chaos; hopefully there'll be no disruptive behavior.

March 24th 2023.

TfL plans to spend £4,000,000 to give each London Overground line a unique name.

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Transport for London has set aside £4 million to explore renaming the lines

However, none of these individual lines have ever been given their own name officially.

And it’s unlikely the public will have much say in naming the new lines, as TfL has yet to announce any kind of consultation.

Instead, it’s believed the project will focus on making the lines easier to identify and navigate through.

TfL has not yet revealed how it plans to do this, but it’s suggested it could involve making use of the existing colour-coding system.

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TfL has now set aside £4,000,000 to explore renaming the six lines of the London Overground to make wayfinding easier. The Overground has 113 stations that span from Hertfordshire to the suburbs of London, and when it was first launched in 2015 each line was meant to have its own name. The East London Line was given the iconic orange colour, the Barking Line was magenta, and the Emerson Line was a grey-green colour that only spanned three stops.

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