Musk praises Modi, shows interest in investing in India.

Elon Musk congratulates PM Modi on re-election, plans to invest in India soon.

June 8th 2024.

Musk praises Modi, shows interest in investing in India.
On Friday, tech mogul and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, Elon Musk, extended his congratulations to Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his re-election for a historic third term to lead the country. In a post on social media platform X, Musk expressed his excitement for his companies to soon invest in India.

"Congratulations @narendramodi on your victory in the world's largest democratic elections!" Musk wrote, followed by, "Looking forward to my companies doing exciting work in India." This showed Musk's admiration for the democratic process and his eagerness to contribute to the growth and development of India.

In April of this year, Musk had to postpone his planned trip to India due to the heavy obligations of his company, Tesla. He was supposed to visit the country and meet with PM Modi on April 21 and 22. However, Musk assured that he would still visit India later in the year. "Unfortunately, very heavy Tesla obligations require that the visit to India be delayed, but I do very much look forward to visiting later this year," he posted on X.

It is worth noting that Musk and PM Modi had already met in June of last year in the US. During their meeting, Musk had expressed his confidence in Tesla's entry into the Indian market, alongside Starlink. This further solidified Musk's interest in investing in India and contributing to its technological advancements.

Furthermore, it is highly anticipated that Tesla will establish its manufacturing unit in India and make significant investments in the country. In fact, last year, Tesla had reached out to the Indian government, requesting duty cuts to facilitate the import of their vehicles into the country. This shows the company's serious intent in expanding its presence in India.

Overall, Musk's message to PM Modi not only showcased his admiration for the democratic process but also his enthusiasm for investing in India and contributing to its progress. With Tesla's potential entry into the Indian market, it is an exciting time for both the country and the company.

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