Terese and Toadie's story takes a turn as a big secret is revealed.

A new surprise has been revealed in this surprising story.

October 4th 2023.

Terese and Toadie's story takes a turn as a big secret is revealed.
Terese and Toadie's surprise wedding last month was one of Ramsay Street's most soapiest twists, and it looks like the aftermath is just as juicy. After walking out on Toadie, his former soulmate Melanie Pearson wrote Toadie a letter, which he claimed to have discarded. Little did Terese know, Toadie had actually been carrying the letter with him in his bag.

In Wednesday's episode, Nell caused an accident to drop Toadie's papers all over the floor, which led to Terese discovering the letter. Unsurprisingly, Terese was taken aback by the shock discovery. How will Toadie explain his way out of this one? Despite claiming to be over Melanie, it's clear that he's still holding a candle for her.

Meanwhile, Terese crossed paths with her own soulmate, Paul Robinson. He asked her to help him uncover Reece Sinclair's reason for staying in Erinsborough, to which Terese agreed.

Neighbours streams Mondays to Thursdays on Amazon Freevee with new episodes available from 7am. It's been an almighty TV comeback, with plenty of juicy twists and turns. What will happen next? Share your views in the comments below.

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