Teen threatens to kick friend's baby after assaulting two other women.

"I'll make you give birth."

July 17th 2024.

Teen threatens to kick friend's baby after assaulting two other women.
When Mia Johnson was just 19 years old, she found herself in a situation that would change her life forever. On a seemingly ordinary day, she came across her former friends Melina Holmes, Chelsy Aspin, and Alisha Carter outside a Tesco Extra in Cheshire. The four of them had been friends before, but had a falling out. Johnson, who had previously threatened to "smack the wig off" Ms. Aspin on social media, was now face to face with her former friend.

In a fit of rage, Johnson punched Ms. Holmes, knocking her unconscious with one blow. She then proceeded to attack Ms. Aspin, dragging her to the ground and stomping on her head multiple times. The whole ordeal was witnessed by bystanders and caught on camera. The footage was later described as "short, violent, upsetting, and shocking" by the judge, Mr. Recorder Anthony O’Donohoe.

Ms. Aspin suffered from serious injuries, including bruising on her face, nose, right arm, and left leg. She even suspected she may have suffered a concussion. In a statement, she described feeling scared and intimidated by Johnson's unprovoked attack. It was clear that Johnson's actions were premeditated and that she had used her shod foot as a weapon.

But the violence didn't end there. A week later, Johnson bombarded Ms. Carter, who was 33 weeks pregnant at the time, with threatening calls and messages. In one message, she even threatened to "boot the baby out" of Ms. Carter. The victim described feeling terrified and harassed by Johnson's persistent communication.

At her trial, Johnson pleaded guilty to attempting to cause grievous bodily harm with intent and two malicious communication offences. Her barrister, Adam Wakins, acknowledged the severity of her actions and blamed it on her difficult upbringing and lack of support. In the end, Johnson was sentenced to two years in jail.

The judge, Mr. Recorder Anthony O’Donohoe, condemned Johnson's behavior, stating that it was shocking and that the injuries could have been much worse. He also noted that the footage of the attack was disturbing and upsetting. Despite her young age, Johnson's actions had serious consequences, and it was clear that she needed to take responsibility for her actions. Hopefully, this experience will serve as a wake-up call for Johnson to change her ways and seek the help she needs.

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