Teacher accused of sexual relations with 15-year-old student, evidence found in her bed.

Rebecca Joynes is expecting a baby boy.

May 14th 2024.

Teacher accused of sexual relations with 15-year-old student, evidence found in her bed.
Rebecca Joynes, a 30-year-old teacher, has been accused of engaging in sexual activity with two of her students. It has been alleged that she became pregnant with one of the students while she was suspended from her job for having a sexual relationship with another student. Joynes has admitted to breaking safeguarding rules by maintaining contact with the students on Snapchat and having them over to her flat in Salford Quays. She has described her actions as "stupid mistakes", but denies breaking the law with either of the boys, who were 15 and 16 at the time.

Although the prosecution claims that Boy A's semen was found on Joynes' bedsheets, she maintains that no sexual activity took place between them. She had already been suspended from her job and was on bail for alleged activity with Boy A when she allegedly had sex with Boy B, who she later became pregnant by. However, Joynes denies any wrongdoing with Boy B, stating that their relationship only started after she had lost her job and he had left the school. She claimed that she only saw him as a friend, and that their relationship became sexual after she was no longer in a position of trust.

The prosecutor, Joe Allman, questioned Joynes' version of events and asked her if she had started having sex with Boy B only five days after being dismissed from her job. Joynes affirmed this, and the cross-examination continued the following day. Allman pointed out the similarities between the cases of Boy A and Boy B, stating that both were 15 when Joynes began taking them to her flat. He also mentioned that she had been communicating with both boys on Snapchat, where messages are deleted and cannot be recovered by the police. Allman also highlighted the fact that Joynes had kept her activities a secret from the boys' parents and that both boys flirted with her. Boy A had even called her "sexy", while Boy B had sent her a message asking her to "get [her] tits out". When Allman asked Joynes how she responded to these messages, she said she replied with laughing faces. Allman then reminded her that the boys were 15 years old, to which she replied, "I know, yes."

Joynes also denied having sexual relations with Boy A and claimed that she only had sex with Boy B, who got her pregnant, after he had left the school and she had lost her teaching job. Boy B testified in court that Joynes had straddled him and kissed him at her flat, and that they had full sex on a later occasion when he was still in school. This happened after Joynes had already been arrested and suspended from her job while the police investigated the allegations concerning Boy A. Joynes explained that she was lonely and enjoyed the attention she received from Boy B, who would often contact her to see how she was doing. She stated that their relationship started as a friendship and grew from there.

Joynes also revealed that she had told her family about her mistakes and how she had ruined her chances at her "dream job". However, instead of seeking the comfort of her family, she chose to spend time with Boy B, who would visit her flat in Salford. Allman questioned her decision, asking how she could choose the company of a 15-year-old boy over her supportive family. Joynes admitted that she was "stupid" but maintained that she chose that option and was breaking her bail conditions. She also claimed that their relationship did not become sexual until after she was no longer his teacher. She said that their relationship later turned sour and that Boy B became "controlling". However, Allman challenged her logic and pointed out that she was 29 years old and had a good income, while Boy B was a child living with his parents. He also highlighted the fact that Joynes and Boy B had to keep their relationship a secret from his parents, asking her who was actually controlling who.

The jury also heard that Joynes and Boy B had argued over whether or not to abort the baby she had become pregnant with as a result of their sexual relationship. Boy B claimed that Joynes had pressured him emotionally to continue their relationship after he called her a "paedo" and told her to find someone her own age. In a letter to Boy B, Joynes wrote, "Every inch of you is perfect. You are all I ever dream about." She explained to the court that this was a year after he had left school and that she was in love with him and pregnant with his child. Joynes is facing six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a child, including two while being a person in a position of trust. She denies all charges, and the trial was adjourned until the following day.

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