Take care of your skin

We have all have heard the sayings "beauty is skin deep" and "you're only as beautiful as your skin." These sayings are with good reason.

If your skin is dry, cracked, or irritated it can affect your confidence. You may feel like you can’t wear certain clothing options because of the way they make you look. Your mood may suffer when you are constantly trying to keep your skin looking its best.

- We all want to have soft and supple skin!

1. Take care of your diet- A healthy diet will keep your immune system strong and encourage healthier cells in the skin and in the body.

2. Sleep well- Lack of sleep may lead to dry, irritated skin and cause chronic conditions such as acne or psoriasis to worsen over time. Sleeping well also helps the body recover from its daily wear and tear, which slows down aging all over, including on the skin.

3. Don't smoke- Smoke irritates the skin, including all of its layers, which can lead to chronic conditions such as acne or psoriasis worsening over time if not addressed properly early enough. Smoking also increases





