Suspect husband of cheating with own niece.

Kept ignoring it, but the emotion remained.

August 28th 2023.

Suspect husband of cheating with own niece.
A woman has been left feeling "lost" after her husband left her, believing she had cheated on him. The only evidence was a text from a friend that she had no feelings for, which came up after she accused him of cheating with her 19-year-old niece.

The couple had been together for three years and had recently relocated to a new country after adopting her five nieces and nephews after their parents passed away. The woman noticed her husband and niece giving each other constant stares, but she shrugged it off.

Then she found a bra in the living room, which was strange because they never kept those in the living room. The woman also noticed her husband and niece giving glances, and him spreading his legs and touching his lips while directly staring at her. He would never do the same to her, never open the door for her, or say "I love you."

The woman's gut feeling continued to grow stronger, and every little sign intensified her worry. She knew her husband well enough to know that he would never admit to anything, even if she caught them in the act. She decided to bring it up because she could no longer handle the feeling.

After having two children, paying for their mortgage and spending over $40,000 on maintenance on the house, as well as paying for the wedding, the woman said she felt used. But out of the blue, her husband accused her of cheating and left her.

Commenters on the website Netmums were supportive of the woman, telling her to immediately change her locks and call the police if her husband gave her any issues.

It is possible for a relationship to recover from cheating, but honesty is key. Counselling Directory member Dr. Daniela Hecht suggests asking yourself questions such as if you've noticed anything different lately, has your communication been affected, and what has been your partner's reasoning for cheating? Ultimately, it is up to the couple to decide if they want to make it work again.

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