Survey reveals top voter priority for housing.

Both sides have been advised to bring changes to the election.

September 10th 2024.

Survey reveals top voter priority for housing.
A recent poll conducted by RedBridge for Everybody's Home has revealed that more than half of Australians are hoping for a decrease in housing prices in the next five years. This comes as the national campaign urges all political parties to prioritize housing reform ahead of next year's election. Surprisingly, even mortgage holders are in favor of a decrease in prices, with 44% of them supporting this compared to only 28% who wish for prices to rise.

The survey also found that 72% of renters are hoping for a decrease in housing prices, highlighting the struggles they face in the current housing market. It's no surprise then that two-thirds of Australians are feeling stressed about the cost of housing, and a staggering 84% are worried about the affordability of housing for young Australians. This has become a major concern for many, with the majority believing that expensive housing is contributing to the growing gap between the rich and poor.

The issue of housing affordability has become a pressing issue for many Australians, with the survey revealing that 7 out of 10 people want the government to invest more in social housing. They also want the government to take action in building, renting, and selling affordable housing to workers. Additionally, almost half of the respondents (46%) are in favor of limiting negative gearing tax breaks to one property at a time, while only 20% oppose this decision.

According to Maiy Azize, spokesperson for Everybody's Home, the skyrocketing housing prices have become a top concern for voters and will be a defining issue in the upcoming election. She stated, "It's a tired trope that homeowners want house prices to keep rising. Rents and mortgages have gone through the roof and there's only so much people can afford to pay." Azize also emphasized the need for the government to take action, as housing prices continue to rise and the gap between the rich and poor widens.

One of the major issues facing the housing market is the lack of social housing, with a shortfall of 640,000 homes in Australia. This has led Everybody's Home to lay out a "roadmap to reform" which includes measures such as increasing Jobseekers and income, providing national protection for renters, and implementing tax reform to reduce capital gains tax discounts and negative gearing handouts. They also call for a significant expansion of social housing, with the goal of at least one in ten homes being designated for social housing.

In the face of this housing crisis, Everybody's Home is urging Australians to stay informed through their WhatsApp channel, which provides breaking news, updates on celebrities and sports, without any comments or algorithms that may compromise the privacy of users. With the upcoming election, it's crucial for individuals to stay informed and make their voices heard on this important issue.

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