Student nurse pleads for kidney transplant to survive after battling sepsis that nearly took her life.

Families had to say goodbye, fearing the worst.

March 24th 2023.

Student nurse pleads for kidney transplant to survive after battling sepsis that nearly took her life.

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In April 2022, 25-year-old Kristin Hamill was admitted to hospital with persistent tummy pains and subsequently diagnosed with sepsis. In June, her condition worsened and her family were told to say their goodbyes as she was admitted to the ICU. She then spent four-and-a-half months in the high dependency renal unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Glasgow. When she was discharged in October, the damage to her kidneys proved to be irreversible. Now, Kristin is dependent on her boyfriend and mother for care and has dialysis three times a week. In a desperate plea, she asked strangers for a kidney donation on Facebook, which was shared nearly 1,000 times. With around 400 people having filled in a form to be considered as a potential donor, Kristin hopes to go back to her vocation when she is well enough. Testing hasn't started yet to find an eligible match, but the consultants are hoping for a transplant within the year. It is difficult to find a donor due to Kristin's antibodies and the need for someone with no underlying health conditions. Her GP had asked for scans when she first became ill, but the request was rejected and by the time it was accepted, Kristin was in A&E.

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In April 2022, Kristin Hamill, 25, was admitted to hospital with sepsis, with medics fearing she would not make it. After four-and-a-half months in the high dependency renal unit at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Glasgow, she was told the damage to her kidneys was irreversible. Desperate for a kidney, Kristin took to social media, with her plea being shared nearly 1,000 times. Around 400 people have filled in a form to be considered as a potential donor, with testing yet to begin. Kristin needs to be transplanted within the year and is looking for someone who doesn't have any underlying health conditions of their own due to her having antibodies which makes it harder to find a match. Her initial request for scans was rejected, but by the time it was accepted she was already in A&E.

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