Serial abuser jailed for strangling and stabbing his wife to death, thanks to evidence from Alexa.

We'll always remember the joy of her laughter.

March 24th 2023.

Serial abuser jailed for strangling and stabbing his wife to death, thanks to evidence from Alexa.
Piecing together the events of how Daniel White killed Angie was made possible through recordings of Alexa. He was handed a life sentence at Swansea Crown Court for strangling his wife and then cutting her throat with a Stanley knife. White, a 36-year-old laborer, had a history of domestic violence and was on release from prison for rape and assault. He managed to break through the mortice lock on Angie's bedroom door, and after loud noises, shouting, and screaming were heard, White drove away in Angie's car. He then called the Swansea police to confess his crime. The investigation was aided by Alexa voice recordings, which allowed detectives to reconstruct the timeline of events leading up to the murder. At 3.03am, Angie was heard to say, "Alexa, volume three". At 3.16am, White's voice was heard saying, "Alexa, stop". Angie was remembered for her "silly giggle" by her family.

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The details of how Daniel White killed Angie were reconstructed using Alexa recordings. White was consequently handed a life sentence at Swansea Crown Court for strangling and cutting his wife's throat with a Stanley knife. He had been released from prison on licence for previously committing rape and assault. On the night of the murder, White had broken down the bedroom door which was locked with a substantial mortice lock, a type usually used for external doors. Neighbours reported hearing loud bangs and screams before White sped away in his wife's car. Later, he confessed to the murder when he phoned the Swansea police. It was further revealed that the couple's Amazon Alexa recordings gave detectives a minute by minute account of the incident. Angie White was remembered for her 'silly giggle' by her family.

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