Stay safe during Magpie swooping season by following these tips to avoid being attacked.

Stay safe by understanding their actions.

September 16th 2024.

Stay safe during Magpie swooping season by following these tips to avoid being attacked.
As the season changes and September rolls around, the familiar sound of swooping magpies can be heard once again in Australia. These birds, known for their striking black and white appearance, are not just a beautiful sight to behold but also a source of concern for many. With their eggs laid and young chicks to protect, magpies become highly territorial and will not hesitate to swoop at anyone who they perceive as a threat.

According to Professor Darryl Jones from Griffith University School of Environment and Science, magpies have a specific reason for their swooping behavior - to protect their young. Their attack zone is within a 100-200 meter radius from their nest, and it is often cyclists, walkers, and runners who fall victim to their swoops. As John Grant, a spokesperson for WIRES, explains, magpies will clack their beaks and swoop as a warning to intruders. However, he also advises people to understand that these birds are not being aggressive just for the sake of it. The kindest thing to do is to avoid nesting areas and give the magpies space until their chicks have fledged.

Authorities in Australia have warned people never to approach young magpies that may have left or fallen from their nest. It is also not recommended to fight back or yell if a magpie swoops, as this will only escalate the situation. Instead, it is best to identify the attack zone and avoid it if possible. If you must enter the area, it is advisable to wear protective gear such as a hat or sunglasses and keep an eye on the magpie. As Professor Jones suggests, these birds often swoop from behind, so it is essential to remain aware and back away slowly if they approach.

For those who enjoy cycling, it is recommended to attach a bright flag above your head and cable ties to your helmet. If a magpie begins swooping, it is essential to stay calm and walk - not run - quickly through the area. It is also advised for cyclists to dismount and walk through the attack zone. According to WIRES, magpie nesting season starts in September and ends in October. During this time, Magpie Alert has recorded 1332 swooping reports and 152 injuries. However, as Professor Jones points out, only about 10% of magpies ever attack anyone, and the rest live peacefully without causing harm.

In conclusion, as Australians prepare for the annual magpie swooping season, it is crucial to understand these birds' behaviors and take necessary precautions to stay safe. By giving magpies space and avoiding attack zones, we can coexist peacefully with these beautiful creatures and appreciate their role in our ecosystem. Remember, stay calm, stay safe, and enjoy the beauty of nature around us.

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