Starmer's policy is a disappointment for the youth.

The Green Party strongly supported staying in the EU and I am proud of their efforts.

August 30th 2024.

Starmer's policy is a disappointment for the youth.
It can be quite disheartening to witness Keir Starmer seemingly ruling out Britain's involvement in an EU youth mobility program. Ever since the UK's departure from the European Union, our relationship with our biggest trading partner has been fundamentally altered, resulting in the loss of crucial guarantees for workers' rights and environmental protections. However, one of the biggest blows of Brexit, especially for young individuals, has been bidding farewell to the freedom to live, travel, study, and work in any of the other 27 member states.

In the years following Brexit, we have experienced the harsh consequences firsthand: elderly citizens who have resided abroad for decades now facing deportation back to the UK, endless bureaucratic hurdles for those seeking job opportunities in other countries, and students missing out on the fantastic opportunity of the Erasmus scheme, which allowed hundreds of thousands of young people to immerse themselves in European culture and education.

As someone who voted to remain in the EU, it is incredibly frustrating to see Keir Starmer potentially rejecting the chance for Britain to take part in an EU youth mobility program as part of his efforts to improve relations with the EU. In April, the EU officially offered to negotiate such a program with the UK, but it was dismissed by both major parties at the time. It would be a significant missed opportunity for Starmer to turn his back on giving young people back the freedom that his generation once enjoyed.

I was deeply disappointed when I heard Starmer's recent statement in Germany, where he mentioned that there are no plans for a youth mobility scheme but emphasized the desire for a closer relationship with the EU. It is disheartening to see the Prime Minister rejecting numerous opportunities on behalf of young people, who have no say in this decision. In my constituency, when I speak to young individuals, they express feeling let down by politicians who have used their future as a bargaining chip, stripping away privileges that previous generations had, such as free university education, affordable housing, and the freedom of movement within the EU.

But this issue extends beyond just British-born youth wanting to explore other parts of the world. It affects the lives of almost one in five individuals in Bristol who were not born in the UK, many of whom have family across Europe. For Starmer to turn his back on the opportunity to give back young people the freedom that his generation once had would be a significant loss.

Signing the UK up for a youth mobility scheme would not only improve Starmer's standing with younger voters, who feel that their concerns have been neglected by successive governments, but it would also help build trust with other EU countries. The previous government's actions to alienate our European neighbors for political gain have created a sense of animosity that needs to be mended.

As a member of the Green Party, I am proud that we campaigned wholeheartedly to remain in the EU, and we have been vocal about our desire for closer ties with our European neighbors since the referendum. In the short term, we believe the government should implement policies to reverse some of the negative impacts of Brexit, such as rejoining the customs union, restoring freedom of movement, and rejoining the Erasmus program. In the long term, we firmly believe that Britain's place is within the EU.

What are your thoughts on Keir Starmer's recent speech? Share your opinion in the comments below.

Now, Starmer has the opportunity to demonstrate that he will not be the type of prime minister who would cut off his nose to spite his face. Furthermore, this decision would provide a much-needed boost to the economy, especially for businesses in the hospitality industry, which have struggled with recruitment since Brexit, and it would also benefit the tourism and events sectors.

For far too long, young people in this country have been used as pawns in the political game, with little attention paid to their needs and interests. It is time for Starmer to draw a line in the sand and show that, unlike his predecessors, he is determined to make life better for the younger generation. Giving young individuals back a bit more freedom to shape their lives as they see fit would be an excellent place to start.

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