Sri Lankan leader announces 2024 presidential election date.

Sri Lankan PM Dinesh Gunawardena stated that the government has not discussed postponing the upcoming presidential election, dismissing a controversial proposal by President Wickremesinghe's party. Elections Commission has not made any official decision.

May 30th 2024.

Sri Lankan leader announces 2024 presidential election date.
The current political climate in Sri Lanka has been a topic of much discussion, with the presidential election looming in the near future. Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena recently addressed the rumors surrounding a proposal by President Ranil Wickremesinghe's party to postpone both the presidential and general elections. Gunawardena firmly stated that the government has not discussed this proposal at any point and that the elections will be held on schedule this year.

The Elections Commission, responsible for overseeing the elections, had previously announced that the presidential election will take place between September 17 and October 16. However, Wickremesinghe's United National Party's general secretary, Palitha Range Bandara, put forth a proposal to push back both elections by two years. He also suggested that if necessary, this proposal could be brought to Parliament for consideration.

Gunawardena emphasized that according to the Constitution, the Elections Commission has the authority to call for elections within the designated time frame. He stated that the dates for the presidential election have already been set for this year and cannot be changed. He also assured reporters that the government is committed to upholding democracy and has worked towards restoring it since the "night it was destroyed" in 2022, alluding to the widespread protests that led to the resignation of the previous president and prime minister.

The prime minister also clarified that the current parliament will continue until August 2025 and that parliamentary, provincial, and local government elections will take place after the presidential election. He criticized the UNP's proposal as irresponsible and stated that any attempts to delay the elections will not be tolerated in a democratic government and parliament.

The Election Commission, in agreement with the government, has also expressed their disappointment over any efforts to postpone the elections. Commission chief R M A L Ratnayake assured that they are fully prepared for the upcoming presidential election and have allocated the necessary funds. He also stated that the official date for the election will be announced between the end of July and the early part of August.

Addressing concerns about the UNP's proposal for a referendum, Ratnayake clarified that the Constitution outlines specific guidelines for holding a referendum and that it should not coincide with an election. He also stated that the Commission has not been informed about any plans for a referendum.

In a strong warning, the People's Action for Free & Fair Elections reminded the government that any attempts to delay the elections would be met with legal action. It is clear that the Elections Commission and other organizations are committed to ensuring that the elections proceed as scheduled, and any attempts to disrupt this democratic process will not be tolerated.

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