Spotify has replaced their heart icon with a new and improved "plus" button.

You can save a song and put it in your playlist in one step.

February 28th 2023.

Spotify has replaced their heart icon with a new and improved

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Previously, users had to utilize the Heart icon to save the songs they wanted and make use of the 'Add to playlist' icon to add tracks or podcast episodes to their preferred playlist.

Now, the company has decided to merge the two symbols into one, the Plus button, which will help users save time and add to multiple playlists simultaneously.

The new upgrade started rolling out to all users on iOS and Android globally on Monday and should be available to everyone on the Spotify platform in the coming weeks.

Additionally, Spotify recently employed Artificial Intelligence to introduce a new music personalization feature named 'DJ', which will create a tailored lineup of music based on the user's preference.

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