Spider bite caused flesh-eating disease in man before vacation.

"If I hadn't gone for a follow-up at the hospital in 6-10 days, I would have died."

September 15th 2024.

Spider bite caused flesh-eating disease in man before vacation.
Nigel Hunt, a 59-year-old man, was recently admitted to the hospital after experiencing a terrifying ordeal. It all began when he was bitten by a spider on his stomach while he was lying in bed. The bite quickly developed into a flesh-eating disease, causing Nigel to fall ill just two days later. He initially brushed it off as a minor issue, but as time went on, the bite continued to grow and his health deteriorated.

Nigel, who hails from the Isles of Scilly, believes the spider responsible for the bite may have been either a false widow or a brown recluse. Interestingly, this happened just before his planned vacation to Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. Despite feeling unwell, Nigel proceeded with his trip and upon arriving at the airport, he and his partner made their way to the departure lounge. However, things took a turn for the worse as Nigel began to feel increasingly sick and had to spend most of the journey with his head buried in a sick bag.

Upon arriving in Sharm El-Sheikh, Nigel's condition had worsened and he sought help from a local pharmacy. They prescribed him some medication, but as his symptoms persisted, he decided to visit a hospital for further treatment. Unfortunately, things didn't improve and Nigel had to visit a different hospital in Hadaba, where he underwent several tests and scans. It was during this time that the doctor informed him that the bite was likely from a false widow or a brown recluse spider.

Nigel then underwent an operation to treat what he thought were abscesses caused by the bite. However, it turned out that he was suffering from necrotising fasciitis, a rare and life-threatening infection that can occur when a wound becomes infected. The NHS states that this condition requires immediate medical attention, and Nigel was fortunate enough to have sought treatment in time.

Reflecting on the ordeal, Nigel shared that if he hadn't gone back to the hospital for a second examination within six to 10 days, he may not have survived. He is still receiving treatment and is unable to return home yet, but he is grateful to have an apartment in Egypt to stay in during this time. Nigel's wife, Sandra, added that another person from the Isles of Scilly had a similar experience and almost lost their knee. The doctors in Egypt are convinced that it was a spider bite, and Nigel continues to undergo treatment to ensure that the wound is healing properly and that there are no further complications.

Nigel and his wife wanted to share their story as a cautionary tale to others, especially those living on the Isles of Scilly. He urges everyone to be cautious and check for spiders, as he doesn't want anyone else to go through the pain and fear that he experienced. Despite the challenges he has faced, Nigel is grateful to be alive and is taking it one day at a time.

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