Speed bump is an intimate sex position, offering deep penetration and allowing for close body contact.

Cuddling can be more intimate than spooning.

February 22nd 2023.

Speed bump is an intimate sex position, offering deep penetration and allowing for close body contact.
The Speed Bump sex position is a popular and easy position to achieve maximum pleasure. It is designed for heterosexual couples, but can also be adapted for lesbian couples with a strap-on.

The person on the bottom should have a vagina, as the Speed Bump is focused on stimulating the g-spot. The partner on the bottom will lay on their front with a pillow or bolster underneath their hips. The penetrating partner will then kneel behind them to enter from behind. Both partners can play around with what works best for their legs in terms of straddling or putting their legs in between their partner’s.

The Speed Bump has several benefits. Compared to ‘spooning’, the elevation from the cushion makes it much easier to hit the g-spot on the front wall of the vagina. It has an edge on doggy style, too, as it allows for more intimacy as the penetrating partner can rest their head on the receiving partner’s back and kiss their neck.

To make the position even more comfortable and pleasurable, you can use a wedge-shaped pillow such as the Liberator Wedge. Most of these are made of non-slip materials, so you don't have to worry about slipping around the bed during the heat of the moment.

The Speed Bump has become a popular and pleasurable sex position that is easy to achieve. With the right pillow or cushion, you can make the position even more comfortable and pleasurable. Why not give it a try?

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